Tue 16 Apr 2024 7:30pm
Photowalk - Auchencruive
Please go direct, car share wherever possible by prior arrangement with fellow members, and advise your intentions as a comment here or on our Facebook group. Visitors welcome.
We have 3 photo themes for the walk:
1) Leading lines
2) Nature
3) Structures
It’s ok to go back to Auchencruive if you want to improve on what you got on the night, and for those who couldn’t make it, feel free to try over the following few days.
Over the following week you will process and edit your images and select what you think are the best three photographs - one for each of the above 3 themes
Upload your chosen three to Competitions page on the club website by midnight on the following Monday night.
NB Car parking here is not always as expected when you follow links. Meet opposite SAC Consulting
Parking in lane opposite SAC Consulting
I intend going to Auchincruive, Ayr, Photowalk on Tues. 16 April. Marion (Stewart) has kindly offered me a lift. See you there!
I'll be there, thanks.